Monday, Feb 19, 2024

Calls for peace and justice ahead of Mexico's general election

Calls for peace and justice ahead of Mexico's general election

Police in riot gear in Mexico Credit Frontpage Shutterstock

Various civil organizations in Mexico, including one dedicated to the philosophy of St. Thomas More, have urged politicians participating in the upcoming general election to re-establish peace and justice in the country.

By signing of the "Pact for Peace," the organizations stressed that "We educational, social, political and governmental actors must all be united  in order to strengthen the essential conditions for peace: the promotion of ethical, human and social values of respect and peaceful coexistence. The prevention of violence, drugs and crime. Social dialogue and conciliation."

The signatories include National Parents Union, the Mexican Commission for Human Rights, the Citizen Coordinator, the Fundación Tomás Moro, and the Citizen Council for Public Safety and Criminal Justice.

Mexico's July 1 general election will determine the country's president as well as all of the members of the federal legislature. Many regional and local positions will also be voted on.

The Mexican civil organizations also expressed their rejection of campaign promises such as the creation of an "armed civilian guard."

The signers encouraged "the Armed Forces to remain as long as necessary (performing) domestic security duties to protect citizens," and at the same time they called for "the prohibition and dissolution of self-defense groups" and "the dismantling of armed organized crime gangs."

They also asked the winners of the July 1 electoral contest to establish as public policy in the different levels of the government a substantial improvement in "care and assistance for crime victims and their families who are demanding justice and solidarity."

"We social organizations that are fighting for peace demand from the political actors the commitment to create a social and political climate of peace and to resolve their conflicts without creating chaos, making threats, or encouraging acts of vengeance."

The civil organizations also urged the authorities who are elected to work with "transparency" against corruption and that they provide "justice against impunity."

"We ask the president of Mexico to report quarterly to the National Public Safety Council and to make the information public so society can evaluate the results in abating impunity, crime and vioence. And that the Council report on the performance of the public prosecutors, criminal judges and magistrates," they said.

They then encouraged that there be order in the prisons and at the same time neither "hatred nor amnesty."

"We urge that the prisons be put in order so they are not schools of criminality, that sentences be served with social work and that their assimilation back into society be effective with the participation of social organizations," they stated.

The Pact for Peace concluded by urging candidates to accept the results of the July 1 elections and "in the case of disagreements," that they turn to the board of elections and the other legally competent authorities.

More than 100 politicians have been killed across Mexico ahead of the general election.

On June 21, Ocampo mayoral candidate Fernando Ángeles Juárez was killed by unknown gunmen, the BBC reported. When federal forces arrived to investigate the killing, they were stopped by local police. The entire local police force of the city in Michoacan state has since been detained.

This article was originally published by our sister agency, ACI Prensa. It has been translated and adapted by .

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