Monday, Feb 19, 2024

Japan pledges financial support to help ASEAN decarbonize

Japan pledges financial support to help ASEAN decarbonize

Japan pledged financial and technological support on Saturday to help ASEAN countries accelerate their efforts to decarbonize their economies and combat climate change.

Energy-poor Japan hopes to become the world's leading hydrogen economy to reduce dependence on traditional polluting fossil fuels such as coal and oil.

Japan pledges financial support to help ASEAN decarbonize

As the chair of the Group of Seven nations (G-7) this year, Japan will hold a ministerial meeting on climate, energy and environment in Sapporo on April 15-16, ahead of the G-7 summit in Hiroshima on May 19-21, to promote what it calls realistic energy transition.

Japan pledges financial support to help ASEAN decarbonize

"Japan will take a lead in providing generous support in finance, technology and personal resources to help Asia's decarbonization," industry minister Yasutoshi Nishimura told the first ministerial meeting of the Asia Zero Emission Community (AZEC).

Japan pledges financial support to help ASEAN decarbonize

The AZEC was proposed by Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida last year with the aim of sharing the philosophy of promoting decarbonization in Asian nations and cooperating to push forward energy transition.

At the meeting, attended by several ASEAN members and Australia, Nishimura said the push for collaboration will include renewable power, natural gas, hydrogen and ammonia among other areas.

AZEC, in a joint statement, called for the group to financially support investments into decarbonization infrastructure and creation of clean energy supply chains.

Neither the statement nor Nishimura provided a potential amount of the spending.

"As many countries have expressed wishes for support from Japan, we would like to take a strong leadership in supporting them in technology, finance, including investment from private sector, and human resource development," Nishimura told a briefing.

The AZEC members--Australia, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam--could consider creating a master plan for hydrogen and ammonia in Asia as a next step, he added.

As a first concrete step under the AZEC, Japanese companies, including Iwatani Corp. and Electric Power Development, have agreed to jointly create Japan's first hydrogen supply chain between Australia's Victoria state and Kawasaki, an industrialized city near Tokyo, to advance energy transition toward a cleaner society, Nishimura said.

Japan will stress the importance of investment in gas, liquefied natural gas as well as hydrogen and ammonia during its presidency of the G-7 this year but would keep it clean to meet 2050 carbon neutral goal, a source said this week.

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